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Mahou San Miguel, il gruppo familiare leader nel settore delle birer in Spagna, ha compiuto un ulteriore passo nella sua strategia di internazionalizzazione, acquisendo una partecipazione del 30% nella società produttrice di birra artiginale Founders Brewing., uno dei produttori a più rapida crescita nel settore della birra artigianale negli Stati Uniti. Questa operazione consentirà alle due imprese di sviluppare insieme l’innovazione nelle tendenze della birra in tutto il mondo.

Annuario Birre Italia Birritalia 2023-24
Annuario Birra Italia Birritalia 2023-24
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Founders Brewing Co. è stata fondata nel 1997 a Grand Rapids, Michigan, da un gruppo di imprenditori che attualmente vendono la loro birra in 32 stati della federazione statunitense. Il suo portafoglio prodotti si distingue per le sue qualità, varietà e originalità: birre innovative con una vasta gamma di sapori, dall’amarezza del luppolo americano alla dolcezza del lampone e alla ricchezza del cioccolato e del caffè. In realtà, questo birrificio americano ha ricevuto prestigiosi riconoscimenti internazionali nel riconoscimento della qualità dei suoi prodotti, come ad esempio la recente medaglia d’oro  al Bruxelles Beer Challenge e più di 10 premi al World Beer Cup e ial Great American Beer Festival. Inoltre, sia RateBeer che BeerAdvocate spesso valutano le sue birre, tra le migliori al mondo.La partnership aiuterà Founders a  crescere attraverso la rete di distribuzione internazionale di Mahou per accedere alla comunità emergente di consumatori di birra artigianale in tutto il mondo. Founders e Mahou sono focalizzati sulla crescita strategica a lungo termine, con un impegno per la longevità del marchio e la qualità del prodotto.

Mahou San Miguel ha avuto una presenza sul mercato statunitense a partire dal 2011, e le sue Mahou Cinco Estrellas e Alhambra Reserva 1925 marchi hanno raggiunto una grande visibilità e penetrazione specificamente in Florida. Mahou San Miguel vende la sua birra in più di 50 paesi dei cinque continenti e produce direttamente in Spagna e India. Un’ampia presenza internazionale in mercati come Regno Unito, Germania, Italia, Paesi nordici, USA, Cile, Guinea, Camerun, Cina, India, permette all’azienda di conoscere e soddisfare le tendenze dei consumatori e segmenti a maggior crescita. Le vendite internazionali rappresentano oggi il 13% del business globale di Mahou San Miguel, con l’obiettivo di raggiungere il 20% nel medio termine. La creazione dellla sua prima sussidiaria (al 100% di proprietà) al di fuori della Spagna, in India, e l’accordo con San Miguel Brewing Internazionale di posizionare San Miguel come un marchio iconico nel mondo,  segnano due tappe importanti nel 2014, al fine di raggiungere gli obiettivi internazionali della società, insieme a questa acquisizione del 30% di Founders


 Mahou San Miguel, a 100% Spanish-owned family company and the sector leader in the country has taken a further step in its international strategy through the signature of an agreement to invest in Founders, one of the fastest-growing brewers in the craft segment in the United States. Through this operation Mahou San Miguel has acquired a 30% stake in the American company, which will allow the firms together to lead innovation in brewing trends worldwide. Founders Brewing Co. was established in 1997 in Grand Rapids, Michigan, by a group of entrepreneurs who currently sell their beer in 32 states. Its deep portfolio stands out for its quality, variety and originality: innovative beers with a wide range of flavours, from the bitterness of hops to the sweetness of raspberry and the richness of chocolate and coffee. In fact, this American brewery has received prestigious international awards in recognition of the quality and taste of its products, such as the recent gold medal from Brussels Beer Challenge and more than 10 awards from the World Beer Cup and the Great American Beer Festival. In addition, RateBeer and BeerAdvocate users often rate its beers among the best in the world.

Javier-Lopez-del-Hierro_Presidente-de-Mahou-San-MiguelThe partnership will help Founders grow through Mahou’s international distribution network to access the emerging craft beer community around the world. Founders and Mahou are focused on long-term strategic growth, with a commitment to brand longevity and product quality.  The agreement was made possible by the fact that Mahou San Miguel and Founders share a passion for their products and brewing tradition, and have very similar corporate principles and values. “We see our investment in Founders as a great source of learning, innovation and transformation for Mahou San Miguel in the hugely attractive and innovative market that USA represents, which is indeed the beer market of more value worldwide. A market which sets consumer trends, with huge prospects for growth to which our company and our brands have much to contribute,” asserts Javier López del Hierro (see photo), President of Mahou San Miguel. “Founders is using its know-how, which combines product and commercial excellence, to stand out in the high-value beer segment which now represents 15% of overall sales in the USA, growing by 20% per year”.

 For his part Mike Stevens, co-founder and CEO of Founders, asserted that “first of all, we knew that taking on a partner was the necessary, responsible thing to do for the future of Founders because it would afford us new opportunities for growth as well as ensure our legacy for years to come. We spent a long time determining who would be the best partner to help us grow Founders while staying true to our beers and our culture. Mahou shares our family values, a commitment to their communities and the importance of long-term partnerships. We are honored to be entering into a partnership with a brewer that commands so much respect and with such a focus on brewing excellence.” The operation, subject to final approval by the US authorities, corresponds to Mahou San Miguel’s desire to continue exploring international opportunities in collaboration with partners who can demonstrate knowledge of local consumers and markets and the utmost guarantees in terms of product quality.

Mahou San Miguel has had a presence on the US market since 2011, and its Mahou Cinco Estrellas and Alhambra Reserva 1925 brands have achieved increasing visibility and penetration focused in Florida.

 Mahou San Miguel sells its beer in more than 50 countries on five continents and produces directly in a number of them. A wide international footprint at markets such as UK, Germany, Italy, Nordic countries, USA, Chile, Guinea, Cameroun, China, India, allows the company to account for a variety in consumer trends and growing segments tremendously complementary for its strategy.  The international sales represent today a 13% of Mahou San Miguel overall business, with the aim of reaching a 20% in the medium term. The establishment of its first 100% owned subsidiary outside Spain, in India, and the agreement with San Miguel Brewing International to position San Miguel as an iconic brand around the world marked two clear milestones in 2014 in order to achieve the company’s international goals, alongside this acquisition of 30% of Founders, operation in which the Spanish brewer has been advised by investment bank Nomura and the law firm Hogan Lovells.

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