Hospitality Riva

Settore: Horeca e Ristrorazione
Il salone dell'accoglienza

dal 5 all'8 Febbraio 2024
Via Baltera, 20
38066 Riva del Garda TN
Tel +39 0464570200
Sede Uffici - Palazzo dei Congressi
Parco Lido
38066 Riva del Garda (TN)
Tel.: +39 0464570133

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Partita IVA: 01235070222

Hospitality-Il Salone dell’Accoglienza è la fiera dedicata all’ospitalità e alla ristorazione, all’alimentazione e ai prodotti tipici di qualità con un vasto programma di attività, come dibattiti, corsi, case history, tavole rotonde e degustazioni.

Place to be per gli operatori, Hospitality si rivolge sempre più ad un pubblico business oriented che visita Il Salone dell’Accoglienza per ampliare il network di fornitori e partner, trovare nuove soluzioni per la propria attività e aggiornarsi grazie all’Academy.

Patrocinata da Federalberghi e Federturismo, Hospitality è oggi l’unica fiera in Italia che rappresenta il mondo HO.RE.CA. al completo e tutta la sua offerta fieristica è racchiusa in quattro aree tematiche: Contract & Wellness, Beverage, Food & Equipment e Renovation & Tech.

Hospitality – Salone dell’Accoglienza is Italy’s biggest trade fair for all professionals working in hospitality, tourism, and food and drink. A place where those involved in hospitality can find out about industry trends and innovations, including through Hospitality Academy training events (in partnership with Teamwork) and workshops, tasting sessions and cooking shows that are organised by a large number of parent companies and offer great business matchmaking opportunities.

Information and programme on and @HospitalityRiva social media channels.

Hospitality – Salone dell’Accoglienza revolutionises the traditional idea of a trade fair and reveals the FUTURE of hospitality to industry professionals. Over 40,000 square metres of exhibition space divided up into 9 pavilions that really showcase all the different sectors of the industry, from contract and wellness to food and drink, equipment, renovation and tech.
Two areas, Solobirra and RPM-Riva Pianeta Mixology, will focus exclusively on drink trends, specifically craft beer and the art of mixing.


Food & Equipment
Ready meals, fresh food, large-scale systems, cleaning equipment and products, plus a special focus on 6 new dietary requirements: organic, vegan, halal, gluten-free, lactose-free and kosher.

Renovation and Tech
Building solutions, home automation, IoT technologies, management systems, apps, cloud solutions, camera drones and AI.

Wine, coffee, soft drinks, water, beer and beer production systems.

Contract & Wellness
Contract and accessories for indoor spaces, outdoor furniture solutions, green living, beach style, sustainable micro-mobility solutions, lighting, flooring, spa and fitness products and equipment.

Special stands:

A showcase of all things craft beer, including displays, tastings, workshops, national and international breweries, and technical and graphic design competitions for labels and packaging.

RPM- Riva Pianeta Mixology
A showcase of all things mixology. A selection of industry names plus tastings and masterclasses with world-renowned bartenders.

3 Business Tours| New for 2022
Smart Solutions, Sustainable Product, Made in Italy

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Expositions Hospitality Salone Manifestazioni Via è 20 Expo Hospitality-Il Riva,Riva Italia Garda, dedicata la dell’Accoglienza Baltera, del fiera

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