Milano quest’anno aggiunge alla fama di capitale della moda e del design anche quella di centro mondiale del food, grazie a Expo. Non poteva quindi mancare un evento di portata globale che vedesse come protagonista il caffè. L’appuntamento è tra il 30 settembre e il 1 ottobre al Global Coffee Forum, in occasione dell’International Coffee Council che per la prima volta si terrà in Italia, dal 28 settembre al 2 ottobre.
Il meeting internazionale sul caffè vede Host2015 in qualità di partner ed è promosso da ICO, International Coffee Organization, Ministero delle Politiche Agricole e Forestali, Comitato Italiano del Caffè, EXPO Milano e Fiera Milano Congressi, con il contribuito di Illy e Lavazza.
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Ad Andrea Illy abbiamo chiesto di spiegarci il significato dell’evento. “Il nostro auspicio è di dar vita, insieme ai Paesi produttori di caffè partecipanti a Expo, ad un comitato promotore per un “Manifesto del caffè”, che consolidi il circolo virtuoso che già oggi vede una parte del valore aggiunto generato dal caffè andare a loro beneficio”.
Libri agra
Durante la manifestazione, il 1° ottobre, si terrà il primo “International Coffee Day” (ICD), altro evento ufficiale di portata globale. Annunciata proprio al Forum, la giornata del caffè, sostenuta da ICO con iniziative in tutto il mondo, ispirate a valori di cultura, salute e sostenibilità, si avvale di una partnership con Oxfam, una delle più importanti confederazioni internazionali di ONG al mondo, composta da 17 organizzazioni di Paesi diversi.
Introductory session
08.30 – 09.30
Registration – welcome coffee.
09.30 – 10.15
Welcome and Introduction by Corrado Peraboni – AD Fiera Milano.
Welcome by Maurizio Martina, Italian Minister of Agriculture and Forestry
Opening remarks by Robério Oliveira Silva, Executive Director, ICO ‐ International Coffee Organization
“Pleasure, health and sustainability: the three virtues of coffee” by Andrea Illy, Chairman of the ICO Promotion and Market Development Committee.
10.15 – 11.15
“Challenges and opportunities in the current coffee market”.
Introduction and presentation of speakers:
President of Cecafè – Conselho dos Exportadores de Cafè do Brasil.
Giuseppe Lavazza, Vice President and member of the Board of Directors – Luigi Lavazza S.p.A
Jean-Marc Duvoisin, CEO – Nestlè-Nespresso.
11.20 – 11.50 Coffee break
11.50 – 12.45 Michael R. Neumann, Hanns R. Neumann Stiftung, Chairman of the Board of Trustees.
Daniel Mertz, JDE Jacobs Douwe Egberts.
Ric Rhinehart, SCAA ‐ Executive Director, I.C.O. ‐ Chairman Private Sector Consultative Board.
Coffee and Pleasure
14.15 – 14.40
“Good coffee good life: the link between coffee and pleasure, a global trend” by Francesco Morace, Future Concept Lab.
14.40– 15.00
“Coffee & Pleasure in Asia”. Presentation by Mr. Keiichi Yokoyama – Chairman of the AJCA – All Japan Coffee Association.
15.20– 15.35
Enhancing the pleasure of coffee through knowledge:
“The Italian Coffee School of (The Coffee School of Italian Cooperation) ‐ A successful example of public‐private cooperation” by Comitato Italiano del Caffè – CIdC and Massimo Battaglia, IAO.
Coffee and Health
15.40 – 15.45
Introduction to the Institute for Scientific Information on Coffee (ISIC) and the Association for Science and Information on Coffee (ASIC).
“Presentation of ISIC activities” by Mrs. Elke Gerhard of Nestlè – Head of the ISIC Communication committee.
15.45 – 16.05
“Overview of Coffee & Health science” by Dr. James Coughlin, President of Coughlin & Associates and member of ASIC Board. Celebration of ASIC 50th anniversary.
16.05 ─ 16.35
Coffee Break
16.35 – 16.40
Introduction, Alok Jha, ITV news science correspondent, UK
16.40 ─ 17.00
Cognitive Decline, Dr. Karen Ritchie, French National Institute for Health and Medical Research, France
17.00 – 17.20
Diabetes, Prof. Edith Feskens, Nutrition and Epidemiology – Wageningen University, The Netherlands
17.20 – 17.40
Cardiovascular health, Dr Carlo La Vecchia, Department of Clinical Sciences and Community – University of Milan, Italy
17.40 – 18.00
Roundtable discussion with speakers of this session.
Moderator: Alok Jha ‐ journalist, author and broadcaster.
18.00 – 18.15
Coffee and Heath – the case of Italy.
Presentation of the activities and programs done by the Italian Promotional
Committee in the last years and results – Patrick Hoffer ‐ President of CPC (Consorzio Promozione Caffè).
18.40 – 19.30
“La cantanta del caffè”, the opera by Johann Sebastian Bach, for the first time translated in Italian.
Directed by Annemette Schlosser. Presented by Antonio Quarta.
08.30 – 09.00
Welcome coffee.
09.00 – 09.30
Official declaration of the International Coffee Day.
Robério Oliveira Silva, ICO Executive Director
Andrea Illy, Chairman of the ICO Promotion and Market Development Committee
Mario Cerutti, President of Comitato Italiano del Caffè
Coffee and Solidarity
09.30 – 10.00
“Caffè Sospeso” fundraising initiative and presentation of OXFAM view on sustainability.
Roberto Barbieri, Director of Oxfam Italia.
Coffee and Sustainability
10.00 – 10.45
“Climate change, coffee production and trade” by D. Jeffrey Sachs, Director Earth Institute Columbia University.
10.45 – 11.15
Coffee break
11.15 – 11.40
ICO views on coffee and climate, to be presented to 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris, by Robério Oliveira Silva, ICO Executive Director.
11.40 ‐ 12.15
“Impacts of Climate changes on coffee production” (Coffee & Climate project)
– G. Lavazza, President of Coffee & Climate project
– M. Opitz, Director of Coffee & Climate project
12.15 – 12.45
“The new competitive game in coffee” prof. Gunter Pauli – President of the Board of Novamont and author of the book “The Blue Economy”.
Coffee and Sustainability ‐ afternoon
14.00 – 14.20
“Views on sustainability – A producing country point of view”. Presentation of Fernando Gast – Director of Cenicafe – FNC.
14.20 – 14.40
“Sustainability in the N.A. coffee market (prov.)”, Bill Murray, National Coffee Association (NCA).
15.00 – 15.15
Vision 2020: Shaping change in the coffee sector through collective impact. Presented by ICO – IDH – 4C
15.30 – 16.00
Coffee Break
16.00 – 17.00
Roundtable: “Which sustainability? Harmonize with nature and social environment to avoid economic and ecological collapse or make greater use of technology and science to solve our problems. Is a third way possible?”.
Moderator: David Moorhouse, Head of Finance and Administration, International Coffee Organization.
17.00 – 17.15
GCF Wrap up and Closing Remarks, by Andrea Illy, illy SpA – CEO
17.15 – 17.30
Official closing by Robério Oliveira Silva, ICO Executive Director
Guided visit for registered participants to the Coffee Cluster, the Italian Pavilion and Coffee Itinerary of Expo Milano 2015.